Sunday 16 February 2014

What's New

Firstly let me apologise for my last blog post. I was really tired that night and it got really weird so if you haven't read it yet I'd greatly appreciate it if you didn't. I have an excuse for the state of this post too: I'm sick.

I woke up yesterday, the first day of my midterm break, with a stomach ache and a chest pain like my lungs had been pumped full of smoke over night. My head felt like a herd of elephants had trampled over it and my throat was as raw as a turkey on Christmas Eve. I got up and drank a glass of orange juice while I waited for the kettle to boil for a mug of Lemsip. After drinking that I returned to bed and fell straight back asleep. An hour or two later I woke and went to the toilet and then immediately vomited the contents of my stomach (orange juice and Lemsip) into the toilet.

If I haven't driven all of my readers away by now with these last two blog posts I don't know how I'll ever get rid of you. Suffice to say I still feel like shit and I'm going to Belfast tomorrow morning. It's mainly just my chest and throat that hurts now but they are bad enough to make me never want to leave my bed again.

I have so many blog posts in my head that I need to type out and some one paper that I need to transfer to my computer. How am I so bad at following schedules?? I really want my own laptop. I think that would be really helpful...and now I'm just typing my train of thought and it's all over the place. I ought to wrap this up before I make it even weirder than the last.

(P.S. I'm not being sponsored by Lemsip or by Lemsip's competition. Though I'd be happy to continue either promoting or degrading their product if anyone feels like paying me. Also any kind of job whatsoever I'd be interested in. Okay bye now.)

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