Wednesday 25 December 2013

A Year in Review: 2013

Let's see how bad I will feel about myself when I've finished this post, eh?

Last year I made 10 resolutions. It was the first time I'd made a serious commitment to reforming myself so I was a bit optimistic, as I always seem to be. Let me list my failures for you.

  1. Tidy my room: Yeah my room is still messy like most of the time. I think I really need to throw out a lot of stuff this year and live a minimalistic life.
  2. Write every day: So this went relatively well until I decided I wasn't gaining anything from writing and I wasn't producing anything I was happy with. So I stopped bothering about half way through the year. As have mentioned in a previous post I regret doing this.
  4. Read 50 books: Um. This one I tried really hard at. Until I lost track completely. I wasn't keeping to my deadlines though anyway so I don't think I would have succeeded. I read excruciatingly slowly.
  5. Learn the piano and ukulele: Oh god. I did play the piano a lot more this year, not to say that I've improved very much. I can play a sizeable amount of Hans Zimmer's Time, the BBC Sherlock theme tune, silent night, the right hand of jingle bells and Fur Elise though. So I didn't completely fail that one. The uke though. I haven't touched it.
  6. Organise my blog: I never quite figured out what I wanted to do with my blog but that's okay. I made this new blog over the summer and I blogged for a whole month in August every day. I think I actually passed this one!
  7. Be nicer: I think I have definitely made a conscious effort to be more friendly to people this year. Like not a big effort because you know as a rule I don't try my best. But I really hope I can continue to make a small effort to talk to people and be nice.
  8. Motivate myself: It always seems to come at this time of the year when I feel most motivated. I realise that I really ought to be trying hard to get somewhere in life. The problem is I become dispirited so quickly. I get lazy and I lose my motivation, my will to try. Wise words simply can muster the strength within me to work and I don't know what I can do to change that.
  9. Exercise: I certainly exercised more this year than I have in so long but not every day as I planned. The first half of the year I had activities twice a week at least in school so that helped keep me trying but this year I do choir instead and we don't even have PE class. However my dad very recently bought an exercise bike so hopefully that will make exercising more convenient for me and I plan to set up a regular exercise schedule.
  10. Make friends: So I went to Irish college during the summer and met loads of great people. I still in contact with quite a few of them. I've spread my friendship in school too and talked to people I never thought I could get along with. As a result I feel more a part of my year which is really nice. I also broadened my internet friendships this year which is great too. I've stayed touch with people I've met through tumblr and nerdfighteria and it's nice in a weird way to kind of vent to people who know very little about you but understand what you're going through. So success.
In summary, I sorted out my blog which resulted in me becoming a nicer person and making friends.

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