Saturday 21 June 2014

When you can't blog...

The biggest problem a lot of bloggers face is a lack of ideas. I face this myself more often than not. It can be difficult to continuously put out content and sometimes I just don't seem to have anything to say. I have, however compiled a master list of super easy, blog posts that anyone can write.
  1. Everyone has at least one recipe/meal that they can make. I don't really care if it's boiled pasta or a strawberry roulette but you've made it so many times that you are the master chef of it.
  2. Hand-write a post and scan it so your readers can attempt to read your horrific handwriting.
  3. Write a review of something you loved /hated,
  4. Tell us about your childhood.
  5. Compile a list of suitable gifts for specific people e.g. mum, dad etc.
  6. Tell us about your personal style and inspirations.
  7. Write a letter to your future self.
  8. A Day in the Life post. If The Beatles can stoop so low then you can too.
  9. If it's Christmas or Halloween or any other holiday that you decorate for take some photos and record your beautiful home for future reference.
  10. Picture post. If you aren't the instagraming type or you have a tonne of photos on your phone or camera that you don't want to delete but need to free up space this is the perfect opportunity to make use of your blog.
  11. If you really aren't in the mood ask a friend or family member to write a post about you. Or if you have blogger friends swap blogs for a day and write their post while they do yours.
  12. Talk about your favourite social medias, share the funniest cat video you watched this week or post some interesting links that have caught your interest. This is literally so easy you could have it done in 10 minutes.
  13. Write a post about your favourite blogs, books, films, songs, artist whatever. I don't know about you but I like talking about things I like.
  14. Interview a willing friend or family member.
  15. Interview yourself.
  16. Welcome to my crib. Give a house tour complete with photos or catalog your favourite spots in your local area.
  17. Make a list. Things to do Before I'm Old and Boring or 30 before 30, whatever fits.
  18. Create a playlist to suit your particular mood/ writer's block.
  19. Share your deepest darkest secrets with the internet with a 5 things you never wanted to know about me post. (Or for the faint-hearted 5 things you don't know about me)
  20. If the world revolved around you, where do you want to be in 5 years time? Go on, be honest.

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