Saturday 10 August 2013

Book Tag

My friend, Danielle, made a book tag so that's what I'm doing today.

1. Which book universe would you most like to live in?

There's always a part of me that desperately wants to go to Middle Earth and live my life in the picturesque Shire in a little cosy hobbit hole and never have to worry about a single problem. Just eat good food, drink good drink and smoke a pipe all day long. But unless I had Gandalf turning up on my doorstep to go on adventures every now and again I think I'd grow restless in that quiet place too quickly.
I'd think I'd most like to live on the island kingdom of Lienid from the Graceling universe because the King and Queen are so kind there and everyone appears at peace with each other. It seems like the most idyllic society and even those with Graces are treated with such respect despite being feared and enslaved in every other part of the world.

2. If you could be any character in any book, who would you be?

I'd like to be Sherlock Holmes for a while just to see the world through his eyes. I think it would be amazingly interesting but I wouldn't choose to be him forever. He may have incredible talents but he does not have an enviable lifestyle, with his drug abuse and his near delirious reactions when not occupied with a case.
I'd love to be Albus Dumbledore, if I'm honest. I know he has had a terrible past and a really difficult life but he still manages to enjoy what he has. They may think he's batty but he cares about his students and teachers and everything he does is in their best interest. He still fights evil where a lesser person would have given up and gone into retirement. He knows his duty as a headmaster and an idol to many witches and wizards. So yeah, I'd really like to be Dumbledore.
Or alternatively Luna Lovegood. She's so unconcerned with other peoples opinions of her and I really admire that.

3. Which fictional family from any book would you join?

My first instinct is to say the Weasley family because of how lovable and close they all are. Their house and their car and everything about them, to me is exactly how a family should be.
But I also really like the family in The Mysterious Benedict Society, because they aren't related by blood but they've bonded so profoundly and they might just love each other more than any other family. They are at least more aware of their love.

4. If you could have any character in any book as a best friend, who would it be?

Ron Weasley. I love his sense of humour and his sudden outburst. I just think he's a really cool character. Also Margo Roth Spiegelman. I realise she prefers to do all her adventures on her own but together we would come up with even crazier plans and break rule you didn't even know existed.

5. Which character from any book would be your nemesis?

Quite possibly Stuart 'Fats' Wall from The Casual Vacancy. He describes so much that I dislike in a person. His habit of making a distasteful comment on every fault and failure that anyone has ever had, his belief that he is somehow better than everyone else because he seeks an 'authentic' life, his hypocritical attitude, his targeting of the weak, how he uses people for his own pleasure and gives them nothing back, I could go on. He would be my nemesis.

6. Which character from any book would you want to be your mentor?

Tori, the tattoo artist in Divergent. She's really knowledgeable and reassuring. And a super cool person

7. If you could have any occupation from any fictional book, what would you be?

Consulting Detective. Hands-down that's my dream job. Whatever world I'm in.

8. You have a clique. You can choose any character from any book to be in on your clique. Who would you choose?

This is my gang: Sherlock Holmes, Ron Weasley, Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire. And perhaps Bellatrix Lestrange, just for a bit of diversity.

9. You can ask any character from any book one question. What would it be?


10. Who do you tag?

You! If you're reading this you're obliged to do this tag. Then comment below telling what your blog is so I can read it. So I'll be expecting the same amount of comments and responses as views. Ha you didn't know what you were signing up for when you read this post! 

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