Tuesday 27 August 2013

Wasting my life away, as usual

I'm a big fan of web shows and I think they are massively under-rated creations so here are some of my favourites in order.

1. Husbands: A hilarious story of two celebrities making the best of their sham wedding after waking up in Vegas. One a well respected base-baller, the other a scandalous icon of the media, they decide to make their situation work to preserve the good name of homosexual marriage. With two seasons out and a third on the way I don't understand why this isn't super mainstream popular already. Or you know, YouTube's equivalent.

 2. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: Based on the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and co-written and produced by one half of the Vlogbrothers, Hank Green, this one of the best web shows I've seen. It's clearly created by people who understand YouTube and vlogging and are well able to imitate that method. It's finished now but not to worry there are plenty of spin-off series if you look for them.

3. Squaresville: Described as being very Paper Towns-like it is the story of two friends and their struggle to find purpose in their hormone, angst filled, teenage lives. It's funny and clever with an incredible cast and writers. Filled with hipsters, nerds and just regular-joes this is a show for every teenager, but just as much for anyone who has gone the road before.

4. Job Hunters: If the Hunger Games and Big Brother had a kid this would be it. (Bear in mind I've never watched an episode of Big Brother but it's basically prospective celebrities living in a house together and when they get out they are famous right?)
The contestants come from all different job backgrounds but only one of them can finally succeed and win the place. They have to fight each other to the death to prove their worth.
A witty and powerful show, I really hope they can make a second season.

5. Hipsterhood: I watched all of season 1 just tonight and I'm addicted. It's a satirical take on the whole Hipster revolution and just about everyone in the show is labelled as a hipster. I like it a lot even though I don't really like any of the characters. Definitely for you if you're the sort that constantly finds themselves scorning other's hipsterhood. Or if you're constantly scorned over you're hipsterhood. Or if you dream of being a hipster. Or if you have no idea what a hipster is. Just about anybody should watch it really.

Malice: I started watching this one aeons ago, or so it seems, when there were only a few episodes. Now there is a full season and I can't wait to watch it again. It's a spooky story and gives me the creeps but I suggest you watch it. It's really well made especially for such a small budget, which I know it has.

Each of these are amazing shows and everyone involved should be ridiculously proud of themselves. I loved every minute I wasted watching them and I'd do it again too. Continue making awesome stuff, you guys keep me young.

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