Saturday 31 August 2013

Life in Letters - Tag

Alex Richard George Day - made a video a week ago called life in letters, this post is clearly a response to it. Anyway Alex has been a major influence on how I view the world and the values I have today.

Bitch - "But not the traditional kind, the strong independent woman kind." Quote from my friend Danielle about me. I've always loved the sound of the word bitch. I think it's just got such a badass sound to it and I'm proud to use it to describe myself.

Calm - I like to think that I'm a pretty chill person and that I don't stress out over things too much. It's really important not let the little things in life work you up because that sort of pressure will drive a person insane.

Dreamer - I spend way too much time imagining the things I one day plan to do rather than doing them today. But I don't have the freedom to do the things I want right now.

Expressive - apparently I have a very expressive face. I've been told by too many people that I make really strange expressions and contortions of my face, often without intention. It seems my eyes and eyebrows are the biggest betrayers and the most active parts of my face.

Feminism - This has been a huge part of my life for so long now and not a day goes past when something doesn't happen to remind how unequal the world is. I know feminism has gotten a bad name from some people *cough*extreme feminists*cough*. The majority of feminists are not extremists though and simply believe and try to help create a more equal world.

Green Day - Also chosen by Alex Day but I couldn't think of a more fitting word beginning with G. Green Day are my favourite band of all time, in fact I wrote a blog post declaring them my favourite of all things which can be read here. I love their sound so much more than any band I've ever heard and their lyrics evoke as much thought in me as my history books ever have.

Hungry - I have a pretty massive appetite and since starting back to school this week it's gotten even bigger. I go to sleep hungry, I wake up hungry, I just can't seem to get enough food into me. I'm not that keen on the actual eating though. I eat pretty quickly because it feels like I'm wasting my time while I could be doing other things.

Introverted - I've always preferred my own company to other's. It's hard for me to talk to people I don't know well and even when I do know them I often don't feel like talking at all. I find this does make life very difficult especially when I'm in a situation where I don't know any of the people, which seems like that's all the situations I was in this past year. It's like I have a mental block when it comes to talking to people.

Jewellery - is a thing that I like to make, though I don't have a lot of time to do it. I like making original and interesting kinds of accessories because it's hard to find jewellery that I like at an affordable price.

Kay 'Kate' Anne Muldowney - is my name but I'm mostly called Kate because my parents are annoying like that and have called me everything other than Kay my entire life. So I'm Kate, nice to meet you.

Lace - Because it is my favourite material and I dream of one day having a long sleeved, ankle length, plain, lace dress that I would just wear on casual occasions, like to the supermarket. Preferably it would be white but black would be good too.

Messy - I have an inability to keep any area tidy. I clean my room up completely and three days later it's a mess again.

Night - I'm definitely a hight owl. I hate getting up in the morning but I do however feel more motivated the earlier in the day it is.

Oslo - is a city I really want to visit soon.

Potter - Harry Potter was a huge influence on my young life and I can't imagine who I would be today without those books. They gave me a place where I felt I fitted in and where I could be magic and special when I didn't believe that I was. They gave me a reason to have hope and to keep going. I honestly don't know if I would have survived some of those years if it were not for the adventures I went on with the trio.

Quiet - People always say that I'm quiet and it's true, I know but not by choice. If I could choose my lifestyle I'd be a social butterfly, always going somewhere and doing something. As it is I can't feel comfortable with any person until I've known them quite a while. Shy is the worst thing though. I hate when people call me shy because I'm not. I have no aversion to talking to strangers it's just that when I'm expected to have a conversation with one that I lose all control over my thoughts.

Respect - I try to treat everyone I meet with respect in the beginning because any relationship needs to have a good start. It pisses me off when teachers/parents etc. expect you to respect them regardless of the way they treat you. I'll treat you with respect until you are proven unworthy, at which point I'll disrespect you until you prove yourself worthy.

Sherlock - Alex may believe that you can tell how much a part of a fandom someone is by how much they give out about the thing but I think Sherlock is perfect and I wouldn't change anything about it. Yes it leaves me at the edge of my seat, yes it makes my heart race and simultaneously rips it to shreds but that's what a good story does. That's how it should be. The acting is on key, the writing is witty and so clever, the plots are intelligent and incredibly thought out. It may be almost completely different from the novels but I honestly don't mind that, much as I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's books.

Tumblr - is a site that I was addicted to, like many people, but I don't feel the need to check in on it any more. At the beginning of the summer I went to Irish college for three weeks where we weren't allowed mobiles, internet or ipods and we spoke Irish the entire time. When I came back I never got back into the habit of checking Tumblr and I slowly stopped caring about it. Occasionally I do log in still to see if there is anything interesting but mainly it's just the same mindless babble that you find on every social network. I really need to change the circle of people that I'm following.

Unoriginal - as you can tell from me doing a tag on the last day of BEDA. I steal other peoples jokes, I take story ideas from everywhere and combine them. I know that people say no idea can be fully original but many of them are more original than mine.

Virginity - is a thing that I have found.

Writing - is something that I love doing. It helps me to gather my thoughts and understand what they actually mean. It's also a really relaxing past-time. I love the idea of making up characters, worlds, stories, it feels like the greatest thing we have in this world - the ability to imagine other worlds that we have never experienced other than in our mind.

X - is for kisses because I love you, dearest reader.

Year - 1997 was the year I was born making me seventeen next February second.

Z - is for zip. Two reasons, one because I'm tired and can't think of anything else. Two because how the fuck did 'whoever' invent that thing? Ugh it is such a cool gadget, like, have you ever thought about the way it works and everything? Basically, I like zips a lot.

Tag - I tag Danielle because now that her BALA is over she will need motivation to blog again.

(BEDA may be finished but I'll still be blogging weekly, I promise xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

- Kate

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