Tuesday 6 August 2013

Past Blog, Future Blog - August 06 aka Why is your blog called that?

I started a tumblr blog in June of last year and called it 'in search of thought' because I didn't have great expectations for it and thought it would just be a collection of random opinions as I strove to find out what exactly my thoughts were. I still don't know what exactly my blog is about but I like the name. But as I've grown and tumblr has changed I've gotten tired of the regular kinds of posts that fill my dashboard and wish I had a quieter place without distractions where I could just write.

So I came to blogspot in search of a thought space. Only to find my name, Kate Muldowney, was taken as a url name. So I decided I'd use my old blog name, in search of thought, but alas, that was also taken and only a month previously too. Had I changed sooner I might have gotten the name that is rightfully mine.

So instead I went on one of the many anagram websites out there and typed in, insearchofthought.
And so voila! Here I present to you my official new blog name. I've decided on it now so I have to stick with it. A Hitcher's Goof Hunt dot blogspot dot com.

I'm really happy with this name, one because it reminds me of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is a really entertaining book. Two, because to me hitchhiking is the epiphany of throwing all caution to the wind and going in search of adventure, which is my one and only goal in life. And three because it seems to describe my blog as a wild goose-chase for wanderers. And I wouldn't be happier with any other discription. I want this to be a place for the bored, lost or just plain crazy to be entertained, maybe learn something new or just listen to me ramble.

So without further ado I welcome you to my blog, A Hitcher's Goof Hunt, where one and all come, in search of thought.



  1. "I welcome you to my blog, A Hitcher's Goof Hunt, where one and all come, in search of thought." YOU SAID THE THING
