Thursday 29 August 2013

Pride and Prejudice

You're probably expecting this post to be about the novel by Jane Austen. That's prejudice. You judged this post prior to reading the entirety, but in fairness it's a misleading title.
You might know that in the first draft for Austen's book she called it First Impressions. Accurate but not quite as catchy as the revised version I think. Anyway this post is supposed to be about first impressions. But probably will end up being a school ramble.

I have a lot of new teachers this year that I have had no prior experience with and it's really interesting to me to start off the year examining their habits and teaching methods. From what I've seen so far (only day two I know) I seem to have relatively good teachers, by which I mean none that I feel like locking in the outdoor shed for a week.

I have a habit of reserving judgement of people until I have a fair amount of information about them, usually about 2-3 weeks worth, when it comes to teachers. I find it hard to understand how someone can have one class with a teacher and decide that they love them and they're amazing. I get that some teachers can have that effect and I suppose different types of teachers have that effect on different types of people.

I decided at the beginning of this year that I would go in with a completely open mind about all the teachers. Even the ones I had for Junior Cert and disliked and the ones I've heard horror stories about. It's been working well for me so far.

It may only be day two, but there has already been a mental breakdown among my friends. I haven't found fifth year stressful yet even though I'm already weighed down with homework. I guess that will come when I begin to fall behind on learning. (Which will be NEVER. I've keeping on top of everything this year, she said for the fifth year in a row.)

That's all we've got time for today folks, join me tomorrow when I probably will not have anything more interesting to say to you.

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