Tuesday 20 August 2013

Rants and Ramblings

I've been enjoying BEDA more than I imagined I could this past month but the last few days I haven't been in the mood. It's been great having something that I have to do every day but I'm tiring of it. I'll stick it out to the end though of course. Only a week or so left.

I've been getting back into twitter recently after banishing it from my life for maybe a year. I'm not nearly witty enough for it but I still enjoy the simplicity of such short messages. It allows me to just release thoughts from my mind without feeling like I'm annoying people like I would on facebook, because anyone who is following me is doing it because they chose to and not because they know me in real life and feel some obligation to keep up the pretence that we stay in touch or something. (I don't really no why I'm friends with half the people on facebook.) And I don't know if this spewing of thoughts is a good thing, I know many people complain that it is the worst part of the internet. The fact that 'young people' have a place where they can complain and bitch and they forget that it's 'forever online'.

My parents are getting really clingy and I'm not liking it at all. They keep talking to me and my sister about the 'dangers of the world' and I'm freaking out that they'll send me to a fucking convent or something equally drastic. I'm well aware of how fucked up this world is, possible more so than they are, but locking me up until I'm 21 isn't going to make me any less vulnerable to the dangers. It'll do the exact opposite and I'm worried they really don't see that. I get that they see it as their responsibility to protect me while I'm still a minor but I don't suddenly become self-sufficient when I'm 21, which in their books is an adult. I resent their subconscious belief that growing up is about a number when that is the biggest load of bullshit.
They treat me like I'm some inbecile who only follows other people. Like I can't think for myself and decide what is the 'right' thing to do. They judge everyone based on their own narrow minded traps and assume that we all think exactly the same.

I'm starting to feel what I've always heard people say about teenagers. That they think they know better than everyone else. I'm not saying that I do but it sure as hell feels that way right now. It's starting to feel like I'm the only one with any real sense in this god forsaken place and I can tell you school can't start soon enough for me. I'm sick of my family's company.


  1. I despise it when adults think that we're dumb just because we're not older than a certain age. They need to realise that teenagers can in fact think for themselves, contrary to popular belief. Family's driving me crazy too we have a real connection here kate

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